How to LEAD your Project's Purpose and People for the Best Outcomes
The purpose of this blog post is to provide an overview of the LEAD domain of the MPM model which includes the Motive and People segments.
LEAD includes the project pieces necessary to lead the project to achieve a specific purpose and ensure it is always moving in that direction; and it also includes leading the people involved with helping to achieve that purpose.
Project Change vs Project Adoption
The purpose of this article is to highlight the difference between project change management and project change adoption.
Adoption is covered under the People segment within the LEAD domain of the MPM model.
With Changes come Projects, Come Change
The purpose of this blog article is to cover change management, the adoption of change, and how it has to be at a personal level, and the three dimensions you need to uncover when looking at change adoption.
Helping affected end users is identified as Adoption in the MPM model, and it is under the LEAD domain and People Segment.
3 Steps to Help Your Customer Adopt the Change of Your Project
The purpose of this blog article is to cover Adoption which is helping people successfully integrate the changes introduced by the project into their personal ways of operating. Adoption is under the LEAD part and under People in the Project Management MPM model.