Running the Project Stephen Madsen Running the Project Stephen Madsen

3 Steps for an Urgent Project Reboot

The purpose of this blog post is to cover how to do three quick re-boot steps to rescue a project or help a manager who is managing a project that feels out of control and needs to get it back on track.

Start with the project pieces that are in the PLAN domain then move to OVERSEE and then to LEAD.

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Running the Project, Controlling Quality Stephen Madsen Running the Project, Controlling Quality Stephen Madsen

How to OVERSEE your Project’s Outcomes and Financials to Deliver the best Results

The purpose of this blog post is to cover the OVERSEE domain of the MPM model, which is about managing outcomes and financials.

The OVERSEE domain is one of three domains that contains all of the project pieces that answer the questions you need to answer when starting a project, they just come in different forms: why, who, what, how much, where, and when?

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Strategic Projects, Project Planning Stephen Madsen Strategic Projects, Project Planning Stephen Madsen

Strategic IT Projects Part 01

The purpose of this blog article is to start a series to cover how to discover and quantify strategic technology project opportunities that increase customers and sales or reduce costs. Describing the purpose for a project is covered under the Motive and under the LEAD part of the MPM model. Defining measurable objectives is covered under Things and under the CONTROL part of the MPM model.

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